Areas of Discussion

The goal of this conference is to sensitize and educate communities on mental health through involving and engaging various community and institutional leaders. Below are core topics that will be covered at the conference.

Leader as a Healer: Role of a Community Leader in Mental Health

In most cases, community leaders are the first point of reference when individuals and families encounter any issue. Knowing how to respond appropriately can have a positive impact on outcomes. Faith and community leaders are in a unique position to become the healer for an individual, through education, awareness, and providing appropriate guidance related to mental health. In this panel discussion, the experts will try to highlight the importance of a community leader as a first-hand healer.

Mental Health Issues in the World of COVID-19

The world is experiencing unpredictable and unprecedented times due to the pandemic of COVID-19. The fatal virus has changed the way we work, worship, and eat; destructed the extended family system, robbed our individual and communal routines, and left our economy unstable and unpredictable. Experiencing all these hardships, how an individual can voyage safely through troubled waters and reduce mental and psychological distress and bring calm to life, would be the main objectives of this topic. Social Stigma and Mental Health in Muslims

Social Stigma and Mental Health in Muslims

Mental illness stigma remains the most prominent barrier for an individual. Though mental health care services have improved substantially over the past decades, nevertheless, many people are still reluctant to seek mental treatment and this trend is significantly high in Muslim populations in the US. Stigma hurt individuals, resulting in mental illness, and sometimes creates destructive results. In this session on social stigma and mental health, factors like; attitudes, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination will be discussed. Questions like, how do the Muslim community handle depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia in their daily lives, will be the main topic of discussion.

Mental Health Issues Among Refugees

A substantial portion of the Muslims in the US are immigrants and refugees and face unique challenges. The unfamiliar laws, language, social norms, and economic challenges create severe psychosocial stressors. Various studies show that one in three refugees experience severe mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are some of the common factors which further complicate the mental health of immigrants and refugees and necessitate discussion on this issue including post-traumatic growth and resilience, with a focus on cultural humility.

Mental Health Issues Among Youth

The high utilization of social media and related technologies pose novel challenges among the youth. Muslim youth in the US face additional challenges related to their backgrounds, and combined with a reluctance to seek care often have worse outcomes.

Cultural Barriers and Mental Health

Muslims in the United States come from varied cultural backgrounds. It is not a monolithic community. Therefore, cultural barriers which may exist in society, in general, will likely be present among Muslims in addition to the religious stressors. This session will discuss the problems and challenges related to cultures and religion.